
If you like CintaNotes, you can earn money by recommending it!

It is very easy to become our partner and start receiving 40% sales commission. Anyone can do it. You don’t necessarily need to have your own website or blog. Any purchase made by a customer that first came through your affiliate link will earn you commission!

You’ll only need about 10-15 minutes to become our affiliate. Here’s a quick tutorial on how to get an affiliate link:

  1. Go to the PayPro Global site and sign up (you can enter your name as the company name, and “” as a website if you don’t have one):
    Shortly you’ll receive your account credentials by email:
  2. Log in to the PPG control panel and go to the “Partners” tab:
  3. Click on “Affiliate Agreements” tab (NOT on “Partnership Agreements”, this is important!), then on “Create an affiliate”:
  4. Enter our Partner Token (e70170),  press “Go”, select “CintaNotes PRO License” and “CintaNotes Lifetime PRO License”, and check that commission is 40%:
  5. Click on “Create” and see the agreement appear in the list:
  6. After we approve the agreement on our side, the red circle near “OOO Sitex” (our legal name) will turn green and you’ll be able to get affiliate links by clicking on “Links” on the right:
    Select the product, and the order page link will appear below.
    Notice that from here you can learn your Affiliate ID (e.g. here it is 64357).  Your affiliate links will then be:

    Home page link:
    Download link:
    Pricing link:
    Order PRO link:
    Order Lifetime PRO link:

    Note that the affiliate ID is saved in a cookie, so that even if the customer doesn’t purchase immediately, you still will get the commission!

  7. Once per month PayPro Global will pay out the earned commission via PayPal, Payoneer, WebMoney, ACH, wire transfer or check. You’ll just need to configure this in the “Payment Information” section of your PPG profile.